Representing the King Well
“Once we carried the likeness of the man of dust, but now let us carry the likeness of the Man of heaven.”1 Corinthians 15:49 (Passion Translation)
It is in every parents interest that their children do well in life. Much of being a parent is invested in that, of raising your children to understand that they are loved and cared for, that they may grow up to represent the family name well. No parent would ever have it any other way.
Well, as you already know, we have a really good (heavenly) Father. He is so good in mercy and always willing to give us the things necessary to see us advance. In light of this, how much more does the Father want us to have good things? How much desire dwells in the heart of God, to see His children walk in the light of His truth? Although we may never understand the magnitude of Gods desire for His children, we do have some subtle hints throughout scripture – many of them spoken through the mouth of the apostle Paul.
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul is talking about the resurrection and more specifically the truth of our soon-coming “resurrected bodies.” He spends several verses contrasting the old body with the new, declaring that the spirit man yearns to be clothed with that new and resurrected frame. It’s an amazing chapter and some great truths to meditate upon. Nonetheless, I am of those who believe that the promises given (both past and future tense) are to be experienced in the NOW. Many of them are to be applied in the present. For example, when Isaiah prophesied that Christ’s wounds bring healing, it was a promise for those who would ever suffer any kind of disease or sickness – now and not just in the coming age. What good news is it that the deaf, the dead, blind, sick and the lame wouldn’t have to wait until some “sweet bye and bye.” We can experience it now! Hebrews 11:1 tells us that “NOW faith is… the evidence of things unseen.” When Jesus performed any kind of miracle (healing or breakthrough), He was ultimately introducing them to another realm that already existed (Luke 11:20). It was the NOW Kingdom of God that the King of kings was unveiling.
Anyway, back to the verse (1 Corinthians 15:49)…
Paul tells us to “bear” the new man. Bear in the KJV is the Greek word phoreo meaning, “To bear constantly, to wear.” The root word is phoros meaning, “Tribute” and used in the context of honor. Therefore, as we bear the image of Christ (by putting on the new man), we bring honor to the One (the new Man and second Adam). We do not honor Him by calling ourself sinners or diminishing the glorious reality of being in Christ. Rather, we bring honor to Jesus by bearing our new nature. It is what He died for. Yes, He didn’t come just so we could “escape” some eternal flames. Friends, He went into the grave, came out the other side, that He could get the living inferno (Holy Spirit) on the inside of human frames.
When we shed the dead system of religion and self-righteousness (which results in shame and condemnation), we then begin the process of being conformed into Christ’ image. And friends, this is true holiness. Purity and righteousness finds its landing in this Man – it is where all life and glory dwells. And beloved, when we step into that reality, this thing gets exciting and adventurous. When you look down the halls of history and see that your dead man is truly dead and useless to your present, you step into the threshold of life and the fullness of victory. It’s then that you start living from the Kingdom that is and is yet to come. At this point, the past then becomes a backdrop that only generates thankfulness and gratitude.
So, I dare you to change the way you think. Yes, this is a call to repentance. I challenge you to get before the great burning One and ask Him to open your eyes to this glorious truth. Meditate on His glory and promises, and stay committed to the process, for He has a bride in mind – one that is full of glory and might, able to overcome any and all things. HE HAS SONS AND A BRIDE WHO WILL REPRESENT THE KING WELL!