Robby Atwood

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Day and Night : A Heart Set on His

“How blessed is the man… his delight is in the law (Word) of the Lord. And in His law (Word), he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:2

This passage is (and has been) one of my favorites. In it, David declares the reality of a man or woman who meditates on His Word day and night. They will be like a tree firmly planted - steady, consistent, and able to stand the winds of adversity and advancement.

In Psalm 55:17, the young Psalmist declares that he gives the Lord his morning, noon, and night. Later, he tells us his personal worship services take place seven times a day. Psalm 119:164 These two passages reveal the intentional act of David to set his heart on the Lord - establishing a rhythm of worship and adoration to the Lord.

I have often thought that day and night meant a constant state of thinking on Him. I imagined this verse mostly meant that I had to constantly be bringing my mind under subjection to think on Him. Although there is great truth to that, I want to suggest an additional truth - one that compliments and works in tandem. For some time, the Lord has been showing me that day and night refers to an intentional act of giving him my rising and my lying down. Literally, when I wake up and when I go to bed…

KEY POINT : Day doesn’t refer to when the sun rises, but when you rise. Night doesn’t refer to when the sun goes down, but when you go to sleep. 


“Awake, O my soul, with the music of his splendor-song! Arise, my soul, and sing his praises! My worship will awaken the dawn, greeting the daybreak with my songs of light!” Psalm 57:8 (TPT)  The man after God’s heart declares he would arise in the morning with a song (an affection, a praise). In other words, he would awaken the day instead of the day awakening him

What would it look like if every believer would meet the morning with a song? I have found that as I do this and give my morning to the Lord, I have a more focused and clear mind throughout the day. In essence, setting my heart on Him in morning creates a momentum that becomes more sustainable. On the contrary, when I jump out of bed and rush right into things such as work or interaction with people, I have a tougher time finding that rhythm with the Lord.

When we give Him our morning time, we are planning our day with purpose. Although it would be easy to flip on the TV, jump right into social media and scroll through our news feeds, the better option is slowing down and sitting before the Lord in quiet meditation.


Song of Solomon 5:2 says, “I was asleep but my heart was awake. A voice! My beloved was knocking: My dove, my perfect one!…”  The bride is declaring, HIS LOVE is my dream, and MY LOVE is His dream. 

Research shows that sleep is a major component in our function, much more than any one realizes. A famous publishing company released an article on the significance of sleep, giving 5 main reasons why sleep was crucial to our development. One of the points was that sleep “Creates and consolidates memories,” telling of how the brain actually stores the positive memories into a bank for later usage. The research says, “Sleep plays a very important role in learning - it helps us to cement the new information we’re taking in for better later recall.”  One of the doctors conducting the research says, “Sleep after learning is essential to help save and cement that new information into the architecture of the brain.”  

“It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.”  Psalm 127:2

Another key point of sleep is, the brain is cleaning out toxins. In the process of cleaning out these unwanted toxins, it’s crucial that we have right information to fill these void places. The world teaches that meditation is emptying the mind, but the way of Biblical meditation is to fill the mind with His Word.  


What we put into our minds when we rise and before we go to sleep is of utmost importance. If we start our morning by aimlessly surfing social media, or play video games for hours before “shut-eye,” we shouldn’t expect a fiery heart throughout the day. On the contrary, as we fill our minds with the (written and spoken) Word of God, slowing down and listening to Him, we can expect nothing less than a growing desire to hear His voice. This is the way of the burning heart!

Let the voice of Holy Spirit to be the bookends of your day. Let us rise and lie down meditating on His goodness. As we do, we will see our lives become more and more like a tree planted, steady, and unshakable through the seasons of adversity and advancement. Although the practicals can look different for everyone, it will always include fellowship with Him in prayer, listening, and looking into His Word. Let us lean in and give Him our day and night.