Robby Atwood

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Developing Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit

The journey of the believer is compiled of several simple and practical things. One key, I believe, is developing sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's promptings and voice. Whether we are ministering to the church in a city, or a group of colleagues in the marketplace, we must develop the voice of the Lord in our lives - every believer is called to hear and move with His voice. Over the years, I have learned some practical keys to growing in this. Check them out... 

Fasting and prayer. These two powerhouses of devoted expression have the ability to unlock our hearts and minds to the resources in Christ. In no way do we earn God’s voice when we fast and pray, instead we open our hearts to that which we already have. Jesus declared that we hear His voice, and the practice of prayer and fasting opens our eyes and ears to perceive the Shepherds' promptings. 

Have an open ear when interacting with people. This discipline will often translate into our walk with Holy Spirit. If we can’t listen and be sensitive to the ones we can see, how do we expect to have an ear with the One we can’t. 

Practice in various settings, by taking risks with careful attention to the voice of Holy Spirit. In the Kingdom, we actually learn His voice by trying it out. If you don't try, you’ll never know. 

Pay attention to peace. Peace is the Holy Spirit’s measuring stick. Wherever there is demonic activity or the presence of a lie, peace will not be present. On the contrary, where heaven is, there peace will be. Peace is the ruling agent of the Kingdom. 

Live in community. Walking among brothers and sisters in Christ forge in us patience         and passion. As we rub shoulders with others (in both struggles and successes), our hearts are kept in check concerning pride and our perspective.