Robby Atwood

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9 Reasons to Seek First the Kingdom

Both John the Baptist’ and Jesus’ central message was the Kingdom of God, and I believe if Jesus was to visit our churches and preach a message, He would frame it around the Kingdom of God—the reality of His rule and reign. In Matthew 6:33, Christ boldly declares that we should “Seek first the Kingdom…” Although that command alone is sufficient enough in giving us reason to seek it first, I have identified a few more Biblical reasons why we should do so.

• Jesus gave clear instruction to seek it out first, in all we do (Matthew 6:33).

• We have received and are receiving the Kingdom (Hebrews 12:26-29).

• As citizens of another realm, the Kingdom of God is the current world in which we reside (Colossians 1:13).

• The Kingdom of God provides vision and ‘fire power’ in our (personal & corporate) prayer life (Matthew 6:10).

• It provides present grace and confidence to function in life, as kings, priests, and co-heirs with Christ.

• It gives us an accurate and biblical worldview for the preaching of the gospel.

• The Kingdom was Jesus’ and John the Baptist’s central message (Matthew 3:2; 4:17).

• It establishes a ‘kingdom mindset’ and a culture of thought that is unshakable (Hebrews 12:26-29).

• It is our mandate to extend the Kingdom of God into the earth (Genesis 1:28).