Robby Atwood

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Come up Here: The Beauty of God (Revelation 4)

For a few weeks now, I’ve been hearing the phrase “Come up here.”

In hearing this call to “come up,” my mind immediately went to Revelation 4, where John the beloved was summoned into the throne room by Jesus’ call to “Come up here.” Let’s check it out…

“He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and sardius in appearance…”  Revelation 4:3


Throughout scripture, Holy Spirit gives us much insight into the beauty realm of God. Some of the ways He communicates it is through colors, numbers, or even animate objects. In the account of Revelation 4, Holy Spirit uses the imagery of stones to signify God’s beauty. This isn’t surprising, considering He is the “everlasting Rock (of Ages)“  Isaiah 26:4


When looking at the imagery of Revelation 4, it’s important to understand that the jasper and sardius were the first and last stones in the high priests’ breastplate (a garment that laid over the chest). Interestingly, when Jesus came to John in the first encounter, He refers to Himself as “the first and the last” (Revelation 1:17). In essence, the Son was declaring Himself as the beginning and end in the lineage of mankind—the One who is central and sovereign in the course of human history.


Jasper stone reveals the beauty of Gods person. Some ancient writings refer to jasper being “like a brilliant diamond” and signifies God’s shining and glorious appearance. He truly shines bright like a diamond. Exodus 28:20, 39:13, Ezekiel 28:13, Revelation 4:3, 21:11,18,19

Jasper was the 12th and last stone in Aaron’s breastpiece (Exodus 28:20), which represented the justice of God. According to Revelation 21:11, the color was clear, almost appearing white—signifying Christs’ pure justice that brought the restoration of His people as kings and priests (Revelation 1:5,6).

The name on the Jasper stone was Benjamin. A combination of Benjamin’s name (ben and jamin) means “the son of my right hand” or “the son of my power.” This reveals the glory of Christ as the Son seated in full power, authority and justice—at the right hand of His Father.


Sardius stone was the color of blood-red. It signifies the blood of Jesus that restores righteousness, so that God’s people can stand boldly and minister before Him as priests.

Sardius was the 1st stone in the priests’ breastpiece, and points to Christ being the “firstborn of every creature” (Colossians 1:15). He is “the head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.”

The name on the Sardius stone was Reuben, whose name means “Behold the Son.” Reuben was the first and eldest son of Jacob, and the Hebrew culture, the firstborn son was the reigning figure in the kingdom of his father—they would always carry their fathers perfect authority. When God sent His Son, He trumpeted “Behold My Son,” declaring that Christ was the begotten Son who would come to represent and release the rule of His Father’s domain!


When we look at this imagery, we see that Christ is the first and the last. As such, He is most certainly set as the reigning figure of His Father’s kingdom—perfect in justice and righteousness—the One found worthy to open its seals and oversee the course of human history.

Christ, by way of death, resurrection, ascension and enthronement, has received all authority to reign over His Father’s creation—in which all other kingdoms are continually being brought under: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever (Revelation 11:5).

“The Lord of hosts will be exalted in judgment, and the holy God will show Himself holy in righteousness  Isaiah 5:16

These are just a few signs that point us to the glory and power of the Father and His Christ, and as you can tell—we’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what Holy Spirit (through imagery) was trying to communicate to John the beloved. May we continue the journey of discovering the facets of God’s eternal beauty!

Full speed ahead!