Growing up in a Christian home, I surrendered my life to Jesus at an early age. Although I strayed away from following Jesus for a part of my teenage years, I surrendered to God’s unrelenting pursuit during my senior year of high school. At the age of 17, I had a life-changing encounter that would forever change the course of my life. With this encounter came a renewed passion to follow Jesus and participate in what he was calling me into.

For nearly 12 years, I served faithfully as a worship and prayer leader in my home church here in Somerset, KY. In 2006, I received a clear word from the Father to establish a house of prayer. From that time until the end of 2022, I labored alongside of some amazing people to raise up a place where worship and prayer would serve as the primary ministry, while equipping the saints in identity and growing in Christ. I am so grateful for that 16-year journey. It helped form me into the man I am today. Read more about my transition here.

It January 2023, I set out on a new journey to pursue my growing passion of writing, speaking, blogging, and podcasting to trumpet the Abba Father revelation. It is my heart to see all know and experience the depths of the Father, Son and Spirit’s love.

I am excited to have released my new book, Fascinated: Living in Awe of the Father’

I currently reside in Somerset, KY. with my beautiful wife Misty and our two children, Luke and Olivia. We also just welcomed our beautiful granddaughter, Harper Kate, into the world. We are smitten to say the least!

We love our time together, spending summers on the lake, fall time in the mountains, and our winters celebrating our favorite holiday (Christmas). As an avid golfer and downright fanatic of the sport, I also enjoy time on the course. It’s my home away from home!