‘FASCINATED’ dropping fall 2024

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Premise of the book

At some point in our lives, we have been inundated with an image of God inconsistent with what the early church knew and out of sync with the One that Christ came to reveal. We’ve inherited a “god of our imagination” from either clergy or culture (maybe both), or perhaps we’ve allowed various circumstances and situations to project an image onto God that, quite frankly, doesn’t belong. For this, we’ve suffered, thinking that God’s isolated, a bit fickle, and utterly unapproachable. This has went as far as supposing the Father is different than the Son.

However, we know this is not the Father that Jesus came to reveal, but came saying, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve see the Father.” This declaration took the world by storm and continues to awaken those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Those who dare to jump into the vast ocean of the love of God.

Filled with personal story and biblical witness, this book will guide you into the astonishing goodness of the Father as revealed in Christ. With each chapter, the reader will be able to encounter dynamic truths such as:

    • We now have Christ’ relationship with the Father (not just a relationship). 

    • What Jesus Christ experiences is now available for us to experience.

    • The astonishing revelation that we are his children; we are born from above. 

    • We are born with original goodness.

    • The revelation of the Trinity and how it effects our daily lives.

    • The nature of the Father as relational.

    • Seeing the Father through the eyes of Jesus Christ.

    • Stewarding the mind of Christ.

    • The Father’s desire to share and include everything (all things are sacred).