What's Your Angle?

I grew up in the church my whole life, in which I am eternally grateful. I attribute much of my root system to being brought up in a company of believers. However, as I grow older I’ve noticed there are some things I learned in the church world that aren’t exactly Biblical. (I say this with a light heart, not a condemning one).

I’ve also noticed that sometimes more important than what we learn, is what we unlearn. This is especially true when it comes to our “Christianese” sayings. (I have come to dislike some of these sayings, simply because it reveals a deeper level of misunderstanding of who He is and who we are in Him).

One of these is “I’m just a sinner saved by grace.” You may have heard it or even used it before… I know I have. In fact, it use to sound so good and so humble. I imagined if I or someone else was saying it, we were crucifying ourselves at the altar of humility. Until one day, it dawned on me - this kind of language doesn’t show up in scripture nor does it line up with my new man. As I began to ponder and look into scripture, I realized it isn’t a “humble” phrase. Although I understand what Christians are trying to say, it still doesn’t line up with His opinion (Word). Let me explain...

Whenever we degrade ourselves by saying things like this, we aren’t being humble. Instead, we’re exhibiting self-righteousness - simply because we’re drawing attention to our (own) righteousness. In other words, this statement (and idea) pulls us away from the reality that we now live in Him. It places us front and center and in essence says, “look at me,” as if we are separate from Jesus. There’s a fundamental problem here, because Paul says we are now hidden in God with Christ (Colossians 3:3), one with our Beloved (1 Corinthians 6:14-17). 

Yes, you were once a sinner… however, if you’ve put your faith in Jesus, you are NOW in right standing with God. You are a saint, you are the beloved.

The redeemed life isn’t me plus Christ. No, it’s Christ in me. We are NOW united. We’re not simply walking together side by side with Christ, we’re walking as one. Where He goes, I go. He is in me and I am in Him. Therefore, what can be said about Him can also be said about me. 

There’s a better way to see this

Friends, when we received Christ as our Lord and Savior, we were washed clean and now stand righteous in Him. The “sinner” status we once carried was crucified in Christ and no longer lives (Galatians 2:20). The old man is gone and the new man has come forth. In other words, what I once was (my old life) in no way defines who I am now (in my new life). That former self is gone, dead, buried... By saying we’re “sinners” should never make us feel better about ourselves. Instead, it should make us wanna reevaluate our perspective. 

What’s your angle?

You see, identity isn’t just about WHO we are, but also WHERE we are. Scripture makes it clear that when we received the work of salvation in faith, we were placed IN Christ. Where we once were born into the first Adam, we are now placed into the last Adam. This is now our resting place.

I’ll leave you with this: Are your thoughts lining up with His?  The words that proceed from Your mouth (about your identity), would they come forth from His? Do you think Jesus stands before the Father and declares us “sinners?”

If what He says isn’t lining up with what we say, then perhaps we should reevaluate our perspective (angle). 

If you see yourself in this, simply ask Holy Spirit for a renewed perspective concerning what Christ has done and is NOW doing in you. Ask Him to reveal the riches of His wisdom to your mind and heart. Holy Spirit loves to reveal Christ to us, it is His supreme joy and delight! If we truly have the mind of Christ, then maybe it’s time we start walking and talking like it!  

Grace and peace!



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