Keys to Cultivating Fullness

I personally believe we are in one of the most dynamic and amazing periods of human history. Things are moving at a rapid speed, as technology and knowledge is increasing all across the globe. Among the many things the Lord is doing, I believe He is specifically stirring His church to walk in the fullness of the gospel - by representing Christ in the earth. This is the primary goal of the Father, to glorify His Son in every nation, tongue and tribe.  John 17:1

One of the key ways of representing Christ is for gifts to flow through His body. Ephesians 4 tells us that when Christ ascended to the Father, He gave "gifts to men," so that maturity and fullness may manifest in the church, thus being extended to a lost and dying world. Christ gave a portion of Himself to every believer - as the Chief Apostle, He gave some the gift of being apostle. As the great Teacher, He gave some the gift of being a teacher. So on and so forth... 

As the church moves forward in representing Christ and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12), there are a few keys that I believe the church must embrace. 

  1. The “work of the ministry” is more than what is utilized on a Sunday morning or inside the church community. A majority of the works of the ministry are to be done outside (in the marketplace, education realm, and everyday life). 
  2. Every gift is uniquely important and highly valuable. Each person plays a role in the journey of seeing fullness established, and must be viewed in light of this. Jesus, the supreme delight of the Father, has put on His coat of many colors. He wraps Himself with His unique creation - colorful sons and daughters who reflect the image of God. 
  3. Fullness of Christ must be our aim, for in that lies the need to embrace all gifts and perspectives. As Christ is displayed in each of the offices and gifts, the world begins to see an undeniable image of His glory and His beauty.
  4. Honor must be at the heart of building a family unit. In fact, it is one of the 4-fold praises coming out of the throne room. Revelation 4:13  Where honor is, there heaven is. When we honor one another, we are valuing that portion of Christ that has been given to them. How do we treat the portion of Christ in another?  John declares, “Praise, honor, glory, and dominion be to God-enthroned and to Christ the Lamb forever and ever.”  Revelation 5:13
  5. Family is the fullest expression of any kingdom work. It’s not about constructing a nice and clean organization but building a family. For example, as we build and move forward, we must take risks and embrace messiness. The Lord didn’t come to establish a work force… He came because He wanted a family. 
  6. A culture of equipping is about establishing roles, not rules. This is a family, not a hierarchy. Just as the father has a specific role, so does the mother, son, daughter, etc. Everyone in the family plays their intricate part in establishing His kingdom. It’s about importance and uniqueness
  7. Servanthood is the fuel for an equipping culture to thrive. In the kingdom, the more you are apportioned with, the more you are called to serve and pour out your life to others. The “higher” position we receive means the lower we go. Paul, calling himself an apostle, associated himself as the “least of all the saints.”  Ephesians 3:8  Jesus classified the “least among you” as the greatest.  Luke 9:48

Full speed ahead!



Walking Out Your Calling in Christ


Eight Descriptions of Christ in Revelation 1