Three Realms of Transformation

I've been reading through the book of Acts for a few weeks now, and it seems that each time I encounter a new truth. While reading through Acts 16 this week, it happened - I saw three dynamics of transformation. The chapter begins with an encouraging passage: 

"Now while they were passing through the cities, they were delivering the decrees which had been decided upon by the apostles and elders who were in Jerusalem, for them to observe. The churches were being strengthened in the faith, and were increasing in number daily." Acts 16:4-5

Following a supernatural encounter to go into Macedonia, the apostles travel on... As they minister in Macedonia, the apostles encounter three people, who became conduits for the Lord to release His kingdom and power. The first was Lydia, a devout follower of the law, who soon became a follower of Jesus. The second was a lady who possessed a spirit of divination and after Paul casted out the demon, the city was turned upside down. The third, in Acts 16, was a jailer who encountered the mercies of God and in turn, ushered in his entire family. 

So, by these three encounters, we see that an individual, a city, and a family was transformed by the power of the gospel. Three encounters released three types of transformations. Although they were equally important, they were also visuals of how the Lord wants to release His power into these realms of society. He wants to encounter men and women, that leads into touching whole families, that will in turn transform whole cities.  

Upon realizing these truths in Acts 16, I have found new fire power for the place of prayer. Would you believe with me, that individuals, cities, and family would encounter the transforming power of the gospel?  It happened in Acts, and it can happen again!



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