Knowledge of God as Father

There is this buzz word in the church called “balance.” We use it when we are comparing two values to one another. For example, we say in order to love we have to be tender yet we have to be strong… we need to be gentle yet we need to be mighty. I agree in the sense that love has various expressions, however I think when we use the word balance, we are trying to bring resolve to our understanding of the mentioned topic, which in my opinion never gets resolved. It can’t if there are two views present. 

When we think we have to balance something, we often think of it in terms of a scale—the item used in weighing a decision. Therefore, because we measure virtues this way, we often find ourselves having to pick which one to partner with—if we’re frustrated we can demonstrate aggression and call it love (saying we spoke up because we wanted to see them protected). On the other hand, we can also coward back in fear and call it love (saying we didn’t want to intrude on the person or situation). Therefore, we take these two extremes and sandwich them together and call it “balance.” 

In thinking about this angle of balance and the knowledge of God, I had this thought... 

I don’t want to be balanced, I want to be whole. In order for there to be balance, it means there has to be something of opposite nature on the other side of the scale. This is often the root of double-mindedness—in which that man is unstable in all his ways (see James 1:8). The instability is usually in the context of having two views of God that are contrary. For example, some may say, “God is a Father, but He is also a Judge.” The way this is communicated shows me that there are two views present—Father on one side of the scale and Judge on the other side of the scale. It’s almost like two legs of the same body. However, when we try to separate the core knowledge of God as Father, we (in our mind) add Persons to the One Person—however, there is only One Father (see Matthew 23:9; 1 Corinthians 12:5).


If God is a judge, it’s because He is first a Father. If He removes something in my life, He does it by way of relational, Fatherly affection. He’s not Judge on one side of the scale and Father on the other. He is simply a Father who exercises discipline on anything that hinders His children from hearing His voice. Therefore, He judges because at the core, He is a Father… He is compassionate because He is a Father… He disciplines because He is a Father. I think you get the idea. 

“For the Lord’s training of your life is the evidence of his faithful love. And when he draws you to himself, it proves you are his delightful child.” Hebrews 12:6 (TPT)

We have to let the body in on this best-kept secret. Many are still double-minded and feel they have to choose which part of Gods nature to partner with. It’s creating instability in the beloved! In the natural body, when we build up our core, it translates to strength into the other parts of our body. Arms are stronger when the core is strong. Legs are firmer when the core is firm. 

Abba Father is the core revelation we must build our lives upon—every other virtue is built on the foundation of Abba. Father God has to be the lens by which we view God (His nature, character, virtues). 

Let us strengthen the core!



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Keys of the Kingdom and Prayer