Pursuing the Knowledge of Jesus

Oh the beauty of discovery—it's what we were made for!  In fact, much of the Christian life is about discovering new sides and glimpses of Jesus Christ, the beloved Son. To reveal and release the glory of Jesus is the Fathers' plan as well as the mandate of the Holy Spirit. 

The book of Revelation is centered around this Man, Christ. This is why Revelation 1:1 gives us the mission of the book, “The revelation of Jesus Christ…”  It doesn't say the “revelation of the end times,” or the “revelation of the antichrist.” The Greek noun for “revelation” is apokalypsis. The two words apo (“to lift”) and lypsis (“veil, covering”) could be translated “to lift the veil and covering.”  So, the final book of the Bible is about “lifting the veil to reveal Christ.”  It is about DISCOVERING Him! 

There are myriads of reasons of why we should pursue the knowledge of God. The most obvious is His WORTH and His BEAUTY. Christ is the most exhilarating Person in the cosmos. This is why Paul continued to pray for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation over a church experiencing great breakthrough—even in their success of ministry breakthrough, they needed to be able to know and increase in their awareness of Jesus.

In addition to these obvious traits of Jesus, I have identified three benefits that bring blessing into our life, as we discover the nature of Jesus. Check them out:


We were made for fascination, and to behold beauty. This is not something we should apologize for or shrink back at, but embrace and cultivate with a whole heart. The Lord actually portions to us His goodness, that we may live satisfied and fulfilled. 

"How He satisfies the souls of thirsty ones and fills the hungry with all that is good."   Psalm 107:9 (TPT)

A satisfied heart is a strong heart, and the Lord wants to fulfill the longings He placed inside of you. This is what He loves to do! 

SHOWS US WHO WE ARE IN HIM (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Beholding Him is the key to becoming like Him and growing in identity. As we see Him, we then see and hear what He says about us, giving us confidence to press forward.

“There’s no aspect of God’s grace that more powerfully transforms our inner man than when God reveals God to the human spirit.” -Mike Bickle 

We were made in His image (Genesis 1:27), and as we behold Him, we are transformed into the likeness of Christ. As we see Him, we become like Him—and becoming like Jesus, my friends, is the aim of Christianity. 


John Piper says “Sin is what we do when our hearts are not satisfied with God. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”  When we gain glimpses of the beloved Son, our hearts and spirits are vitalized with "glory to glory" revelation—steps and upgrades that are crucial in our journey. 

"And we pray that would be energized with all His explosive power from the realm of His magnificent glory, filling you with great hope and joy in the Holy Spirit."  Colossians 1:11 (TPT)

The strongholds of Egypt (the sinful nature) is dismantled at the revelation of His glory. The fringes of evil are burned up as we see Him. David said it this way:

"You crushed the strongholds of Egypt and all your enemies were scattered at the mighty display of Your glory-power."  Psalm 89:10 (TPT)


Friends, I encourage you to make it your mission in life, to grow in the knowledge of Jesus. It will yield great fruit, as it satisfies your longings, secures you from deception, and shows you who you are in Him. Full speed ahead! 



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