Come up Here: Glimpses of God (part 1)

For a few weeks now, I’ve been hearing the phrase “Come up here,” and although it’s a simple three-word call from the Father, the way I heard it (on that November night) hit me right in the chest. I knew the Father was wanting to get my attention and call me up higher—beyond the fog I had currently found myself in.

In hearing this call to “come up here,” my mind immediately went to Revelation 4, where John the beloved was summoned into the throne room by Jesus’ call to “Come up here.” Let’s check it out…

“After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.” Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and someone was sitting on the throne.” Revelation 4:1-2 (NASB)

To sum up this encounter, John was being invited into the realm of the Spirit through an open door, in which he first encounters the throne and the Person of God. Keep in mind that the throne and the One sitting on it remains the centerpiece throughout the book of revelation.

The main point of coming up here is to see the glorified and risen Christ in all of His glory. Glimpses, though sometimes momentary, will sustain the human heart. As ones created in the image of God, we thrive on the beauty and the glory of God.


There are two things we can take away on the front end of John’s encounter.

God is at total rest - I find it interesting that the One is seated, but the throne is standing. This tells us that the Father and His reigning Son are at total rest, confident in their leadership over human history. They’re not shaken by the latest news headlines, elections—nor are they questioning Who They are. They are in a place of total rest. Ephesians 1:21-23

His Kingdom (rule) is unshakable - The throne standing reveals the truth that His Kingdom (rule and reign) has stood and will continue to stand throughout human history. Although many things may be (and are being) shaken, His unending Kingdom (rule and reign) will never be shaken. Hebrews 12:27-28

Prayer: Father, I hear Your call to come up here, to rise above the temporal circumstances and situations I may find myself in. I choose to lift my eyes and fix my thoughts on things above—the place of Your rule and reign. Father, Son, and Spirit—You are equally beautiful and full of inexpressible light, glory and beauty. I ask that You would continue to grant me the grace to come up here, in Jesus’ name!



Come up Here: The Beauty of God (Revelation 4)


Blessed from Zion (15 Blessings of Ephesians)