God’s Glad to Make You Their Dwelling Place

Have you ever read the passage, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’” It’s a Psalm written by David, one that I believe points to the Father, Son, and Spirits desire to make us Their resting place.

Sadly, this passage has been used in ways that fall short of what I believe the Father, Son, and Spirit intended. If you're like me, you may have heard it used as a way to express the enthusiasm of going to a church service (this is true for those who believe that church buildings are "Gods house").

But what if this passage points to something much deeper; a reality much more beautiful and powerful. What if it's pointing to a conversation between the Father, Son, and Spirit to make us Their dwelling place.

If David is a foreshadowing of Christ, then it'd be safe to assume that what David said, sang, and wrote was essentially God saying, singing, and writing through him.

For this, it seems that Christ was the one who was glad when the Father and the Spirit said to him, "Let US go into the house (let us make the human race our dwelling place)."

The writer of Hebrews tells us that it was "the joy set before him" that caused Jesus to endure the cross (see Hebrews 12:2). Perhaps the joy he exemplified was that of you, me and the whole human race knowing his Father within the depths of our souls (where he dwells)—knowing him closely intimate, in the power of the Spirit.

Beloved, you are the dwelling place of God. You are Their temple. And They sure are glad about it.


Your Joy Brings God Glory


Mary had a little Lamb, and a Lion?